Sunday, October 18, 2009

Movies to watch this Halloween - Part 2: The Vampires

Continuing the 25 movies to watch this Halloween, let's look at this year's "flavor of the month" and come up with five Vampire Movies to watch this season. Here are my five recommendations. And yes, you can make a vampire movie without it being all faggy and stuff.

1. Fright Night

This 1985 treat is one of my favorite movies of all time. Good old Charley Brewster suspects his new neighbor of being a creature of the night, but no one will believe him. Thus he and his foxy girlfriend enlist a television personality, Peter Vincent (played brilliantly by Roddy McDowall) to assist. It's funny, has solid gore, and is one of the best horror movies of the 1980's. Special kudos to Stephen Geoffries as "Evil."

2. Let The Right One In

This creepy Norwegian coming of age story transcends the horror genre and delivers quite a dramatic punch. Twilight fanboys, enjoy your Dawson's Creek, as this vampire film captures the true spirit of conflicted teenage love in a much more convincing way. One of my all-time favorites.

3. The Lost Boys

Its tagline: "Sleep all day. Party All Night. Never Grow Old. It's fun to be a vampire." Jami Gertz looking hot. Great soundtrack. The Coreys. The Frog Brothers. A scene with a shirtless buff guy playing the sax! Man, this movie totally rocks. If you have somehow missed this one, get it NOW.

4. Near Dark

Silently, the 1980's was a great decade for vampire movies. Kinda funny when you think about how much more popular vampires are right now and how ignored this film is. First of all, it has Lance Henriksen in it. Can it really be any better than that? How about Bill Paxton? Yeah, its that good - and does a great job doing away with some of the lame vampire rules without getting too far-fetched.

5. Nosferatu

I'm not trying to be Mr. Film Historian here, but this 1922 silent classic is a much-watch for Vampire fans. I only have one thing to sum this one up - that shit is CREEPY AS HELL!

Honorable Mention - Buffy The Vampire Slayer (TV series)

Looooooove me some Buffy!


  1. What a great list. I think it would have been really hard to pull together a list of vampire movies. So many good ones! A few faves that didn't make the cut: "From Dusk Til Dawn," "Lifeforce," "Shadow of the Vampire," "The Hunger," and "The Last Man on Earth" would round out my list.

  2. The Klaus Kinski remake of Nosferatu is awesome, too!
